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47 result(s) for "Déroche, François"
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Qur'ans of the Umayyads : a first overview
\"For the first time, the dramatic changes the Qur'anic code underwent during the Umayyad period (660-750 C.E.) are analysed and presented on the basis of a selection of material in good part unpublished. In 'Qur'ans of the Umayyads', François Déroche offers a chronology of the various developments which marked the period, in an approach combining philology, art history, codicology and palaeography. The conclusions he reaches challenge the traditional account about the writing down of the Qur'an and throw a new light on the role of the Umayyads in its handwritten diffusion.\" -- Back cover.
Le prince et la nourrice
Le manuscrit du Coran dit « de la Nourrice » est l'un des plus célèbres de la collection de Kairouan, maintenant conservée au Musée des arts islamiques de Raqqada. Son origine est exceptionnellement bien connue grâce à un texte qui équivaut à un colophon et donne la date d'achèvement en ramadan 410/janvier 1020-ou légèrement plus tôt. Les dimensions remarquables de cette copie (environ 445x300 mm), sa calligraphie spectaculaire et son enluminure frappent l'imagination. Près de 2000 feuillets ont été préservés et une étude détaillée sera nécessaire pour comprendre cet important épisode de la calligraphie et de l'art du livre dans l'Ifriqiya ziride. Le présent article représente une première étape dans cette direction et montre que différents copistes et/ou enlumineurs ont été impliqués dans la réalisation de cet exemplaire en soixante volumes. Il tente de replacer ce superbe manuscrit dans le contexte de son époque. [The so-called 'Qur'an of the Nurse' is one of the most famous manuscripts from the Qayraw n collection, now in the Museum of Islamic arts in Raqqada. Its provenance is exceptionally well documented, with the equivalent of a colophon giving the date of completion in Ramaḍ n 410/January 1020 or slightly before. The outstanding size of the copy ( c . 445x300 mm), and its dramatic calligraphy and illumination capture the imagination. About 2,000 folios have survived and a full study of the manuscript is required in order to understand this important episode of calligraphy and art of the book in Zirid Ifriqiyya. The present paper is a first step towards this goal and shows that various copyists and/or illuminators have been involved in the production of the sixty-volume set. It tries to put this magnificent manuscript into the context of this period.]
Le prince et la nourrice / الأمير والممرّضة
Le manuscrit du Coran dit « de la Nourrice » est l’un des plus célèbres de la collection de Kairouan, maintenant conservée au Musée des arts islamiques de Raqqada. Son origine est exceptionnellement bien connue grâce à un texte qui équivaut à un colophon et donne la date d’achèvement en ramadan 410/janvier 1020—ou légèrement plus tôt. Les dimensions remarquables de cette copie (environ 445x300 mm), sa calligraphie spectaculaire et son enluminure frappent l’imagination. Près de 2000 feuillets ont été préservés et une étude détaillée sera nécessaire pour comprendre cet important épisode de la calligraphie et de l’art du livre dans l’Ifriqiya ziride. Le présent article représente une première étape dans cette direction et montre que différents copistes et/ou enlumineurs ont été impliqués dans la réalisation de cet exemplaire en soixante volumes. Il tente de replacer ce superbe manuscrit dans le contexte de son époque. [The so-called ‘Qur’an of the Nurse’ is one of the most famous manuscripts from the Qayrawān collection, now in the Museum of Islamic arts in Raqqada. Its provenance is exceptionally well documented, with the equivalent of a colophon giving the date of completion in Ramaḍān 410/January 1020 or slightly before. The outstanding size of the copy (c. 445x300 mm), and its dramatic calligraphy and illumination capture the imagination. About 2,000 folios have survived and a full study of the manuscript is required in order to understand this important episode of calligraphy and art of the book in Zirid Ifriqiyya. The present paper is a first step towards this goal and shows that various copyists and/or illuminators have been involved in the production of the sixty-volume set. It tries to put this magnificent manuscript into the context of this period.] ما يسمى قرآن الممرّضة يعتبر من أشهر المخطوطات في مجموعة القيروان، وهو محفوظ في متحف الفن الإسلامي في رقادة. تم تحديد منشأ المخطوط وبنهايته إشارة إلى تاريخ الإنتهاء منكتابته في رمضان 410 ه / 1020 م أو قبل ذلك بقليل. ويستحوذ على الخيال الحجم الكبير للمخطوط 300 مليميتر) والخط المتميز والزخارف المستعملة. وصلنا من المخطوط 2000 صفحة. × 445) ومن الضروري القيام بدراسة شاملة لمعرفة هذه الحقبة الهامة من تاريخ إنتاج الكتب في إفريقيا وهذا المقال أول خطوة لتحقيق هذا الهدف ويبين أن نساخا ومزخرفين كثر قد اشتركوا في إنتاج مجموعة من 60 مجلدا ويحاول المقال وضع هذا المخطوط العظيم في سياق تلك الفترة.
الكتاب العربي المخطوط : مقدمات تاريخية
يتناول كتاب الكتاب العربي المخطوط : مقدمات تاريخية والذي قامه بتأليفه فرنسوا ديروش وترجمه مراد تدغوت وقدمه وراجعه د. فيصل الحفيان في حوالي 217 صفحة من القطع المتوسط موضوع تاريخ المخطوطات العربية، عبارة عن أربع محاضرات، ألقاها ديروش في المكتبة الوطنية الفرنسية بباريس، في نوفمبر عام 2001، ثم قام بعد نحو أربعة أعوام بتحريرها في أربعة فصول : الأول بعنوان : كتاب الله، والثاني : الرجال والكتب، والثالث : الخصوصية المغربية، والرابع : أوراق الذهب وبتلات الزهور.
The codex Parisino-petropolitanus and the ḥijāzī scripts
The codex Parisino-petropolitanus, a Quranic manuscript from the third quarter of the first/seventh century, is the result of teamwork.The differences between the scripts of the five copyists who were involved in the transcription point to a lack of standardization in the matter of scripts during the first decades of caliphal rule. Although material evidence indicates that the manuscript is likely to have been produced for public use, each of the copyists had a personal approach to the transcription of the text, showing that this manuscript predates the emergence of specific, standardized Quranic scripts. This is further corroborated by each scribe's individual treatment of the orthography and the manner in which diacritical dots are used.
Written Transmission
According to the classical Muslim tradition, written transcriptions of the Quran began in the 20s/640s, upon the instruction of the caliph Abu Bakr and then Uthman, to guarantee the survival and integrity of the Quran. In fact, copies have been preserved which date from the second half of the first/seventh century. None of these copies is complete and, in many cases, only fragments remain. Some of the features which characterized the Quran manuscripts of the first/seventh century have stood the test of time, but the majority were subject to significant change over the following three to four centuries, their pace being especially quick during the Umayyad period. When letterpress editions are produced in Muslim countries, they will only be accepted if additional efforts are made within this long‐standing tradition of written transmission to respect the traditional layout of the text, including even its catchwords.